Crystal grids are one of our most-used tools for manifestation, intention setting, and healing. Annapolis Crystals has an extensive selection of crystals available both in-store and online for anyone looking to add more positive energy and intention to their day-to-day.
Ready to get started working with crystal grids? We recommend our Crystal Grid Gift Box! This kit contains everything you need to make your first (or next) crystal grid. It’s available for purchase in our online shop and in-store at our shop in Downtown Annapolis, Maryland.

What is a crystal grid and why would I want to add this tool to my life?
A crystal grid is a purposeful arrangement of crystals in a geometric pattern, designed to amplify energy and intentions. By combining the properties of specific crystals with sacred geometry, a crystal grid helps focus energy toward a desired outcome, such as healing, manifestation, or protection.
Crystal grids help you to focus an intention and remember you are asking the Universe, God, or your Spirit Guides for assistance in your life. They are beautiful and personal and can be very simple or very ornate. The sky’s the limit when making a crystal grid!
What are some reasons to make a grid?
The simple answer is to bring in abundance. Abundance of love, of ease, of health, of freedom, of peace. Also, to send out love, ease, health, freedom, peace.
All of these intentions can have a specific name or situation attached, and try to be as specific as you can, while also leaving room for more to come!
Getting Started
The first rule of making a crystal grid is there are no rules! There is no wrong way to do it. Anything written here is simply to help you get started and give you some of our ideas. Let your imagination take control and have fun!
First, start with an intention. We base the intention in a love-filled way. We word it positively and we start with one crystal. Then we add more based on color, meaning or just a feeling.
You may want to build your crystal grid on a grid cloth, like the Flower of Life cloth you see pictured above (and included in our Crystal Grid Gift Box). Many people incorporate a center stone that guides the intentions of the grid. Annapolis Crystals co-owner, Terry, loves to place Citrine at the bottom of her grid to "light it on fire" with passion and abundance for the most beneficent outcome.
You can add words, pictures, personal items, flowers, plants, incense and anything else that feels right at the moment.
We usually are not focused on symmetry and perfection is not the goal! We are working on feeling, intention and love.
Other Ideas
When using little points on the grid, for example Clear Quartz or Rose Quartz points, we don’t usually have them all facing out or all facing in. We want to encourage a balanced flow of energy, so we recommend having at least one stone facing the opposite direction for that flow.
We use selenite in all our grids to enhance our intention and amplify all the crystals in the grid. Some say it also seals in the intention. You seal in the intention by stating it or thinking it or writing it down.
Writing Down Your Intentions
We recommend keeping your requests short, simple, and based in positivity. Try to only use positive words. You may have to rephrase the request a few times until it feels love based. I write it down and if I see any word that feels negative (e.g. “don’t,” “not,” “stop”), I rewrite until it feels completely based in love.
At the end of our requests we always ask for ‘the most beneficent outcome for all involved’. This allows our ego to be removed and the Universe/God/Spirit to make it better than we could have ever imagined. MBO, for short.
The most important thing is to have fun and expand your spiritual tool box!